Landscape Paintings

Through the Trees, 16” x 20”

Looking West, 16” x 20”

See What, 11” x 14”

Midnight Bay, 16” x 20”


Seaside Cliffs, 16” x 20”

Looking Back, 18” x 24”

Distant Rain, 16” x 20”

New Zealand Seascape, 16” x 20”

West Dummerston, 16” x 20”

Currently on display at ByWay Books in Brattleboro, Vermont

Peach Beach, 16” x 20”

Ancient Memory, 16” x 20”

Long Drive Pause, 16” x 20”

Currently on display at ByWay Books in Brattleboro, Vermont

Road to the Top, 10” x 20”

Pond in Guilford, 10” x 20”

Currently on display at ByWay Books in Brattleboro, Vermont